Announcing the launch of the most boujee music maker’s production giveaway the world has ever seen! Welcome to the party! You = awesome. 👍 Our giveaway = awesome. 🎁 Read the official rules to enter our giveaway… it’s 100% free and you could win! To Enter:
Overcoming Financial Challenges: How Kendrick Lamar’s Determination Shaped His Music Career
In the competitive world of music, financial constraints can often pose significant challenges for aspiring artists. One such artist who defied the odds and emerged victorious is Kendrick Lamar. From his humble beginnings in Compton, California, Kendrick faced financial hurdles, including the cost of recording studio time. However, his unwavering determination and resourcefulness enabled him […]
Mastering Your Creative Flow: The Power of a Morning Routine for Artists, Songwriters, and Producers
Are you an artist, songwriter, or producer looking to unlock your creative potential? Discover the game-changing secret to maximizing your artistic abilities: the power of a morning routine! Immerse yourself in this transformative practice that boosts productivity, ignites creativity, and fosters personal growth. With consistent practice, intentional goal-setting, and self-care rituals, you can unleash your […]
Summer Bop Vibe Check? The Toby Dance Has Landed!
Sunset on the Beach at:The Beach Club Resort and Spa The Toby DanceCover art for new single! Check out what the kids are calling: the most bussin’ summer bop to dance to! Click below to stream our latest music production on your favorite platform: If you care to, please show Toby The Turtle some love […]
20,000 Monthly Streams + Grow Your Fanbase with No Upfront Fees
Spotify recently released a new feature, Discovery Mode, which makes it easier for artists to reach more potential listeners and boost their streams in exchange for a bigger piece of the royalty pie. The Worlds Biggest Streaming Service has been slowly rolling out and testing Discovery Mode, a program to help artists increase their listeners. […]
How To Crush It on Social Media in 2023 to Grow Your Fanbase
Social media can often feel overwhelming if you’re trying to be successful with it. But with the right strategies in place, you can use social media to grow your audience and make money from your music. In this video, watch Gary Vee on how to crush it on social media in 2023 so that you […]